
    Anyone who visits this website would be intrigued to find that Orion has its own history book. Well, we do have our own website, don’t we? So why not a history book that took 340 years worth of information on the lives and culture of our own town, Udyong.

    There is no need to discuss in this article what the contents are of this book are as we can easily do that with just a click of the mouse. But  this site offers vast information that can surely be used by teachers in a variety of ways and purposes.

    Take for example one component in the teaching of MAKABAYAN, the HKS or Heograpiya, Kasaysayan at Sibika. Before teaching that of our country’s history, we teachers would benefit more by introducing first the facts that are inherent to our own town. This greatly develops patriotism among our students. As  Thomas  Jefferson once said, “A morsel of genuine history is a thing so rare as to be always valuable.” People need to know their history and culture in order to fully embrace it and pay due respect to it. There are a lot of notable personalities mentioned in the book who contributed in their own ways in the development of our town and the youth would benefit a lot from emulating their exemplary works.  Most especially our kababayans who struggled hard to succeed in life.

    English teachers  could also benefit from using the context taken out of this history books. The selections could be used as springboards in lessons in language and reading. Not only are they teaching the use of the language per se but also investing in local history to further boost patriotism. For how well can we understand our own country if we do not understand our town?

    School heads and also the teachers could also benefit from this book by looking up the profile of their own schools especially how these institutions were established and in recognizing the personalities who helped develop this schools. A glimpse in the past would help these schools heads in planning for the future of the schools.

    Orion History Books presents as much information about our town and the country in general in its capsule form. It can be easily accessed once you are connected to the internet. However,  the pro also equates with the con. For only those connected to the internet can access it. Although with the mushrooming of internet cafes right now within our town and the numerous houses equipped with computer, is now within our reach. Our only hope is that all teachers would be given an orientation or even a short exposure so that they may utilize it fully in teaching. Perhaps the publisher would also consider supplying at least one hard copy per school. Until that happens we can only help spread the good news that information is now within our hands. Literally!

By: ILYNNE SJ. SAMONTE, HT – III, Calungusan Elem. School

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