Here are ways of enhancing bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.

• Enroll in an aerobic or dance class

• Learn martial arts like karatedo, judo or taekwondo.

• Take lessons in solo sports such as golf, tennis or swimming

• Learn Tai-chi or yoga for physical relaxation and awareness

• Engage in community sports activities.

• Play video games that require quick reflexes.

• Join a theater group focusing on acting or body movements.

• Play charades with your friends or love ones.

• Spend some time on ballroom dancing.

• Study a craft such as weaving, embroidery or wood carving.

• Exercise regularly in track and field events or lift weights in the gymnasium.

• Lear sign language.• Join or lead a jogging club.

• Engage in a “hands-on” hobby at home like cooking or gardening.

These are but some of the multiple intelligences that which have just follow these steps and you’ll find it great.  Who knows? You’ll be the next Lydia De Vega or Manny Pacquiao.

By: Mr. Roger G. Riñosa | Teacher, Capunitan Elementary School | Orion, Bataan

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