Disappointments, frustations and failures — these are the most common psychological problems of our learners nowadays. They have very weak emotional quotient and very sensitive even in the slightest offense of others. They have difficulty in adjusting and adapting in new environment. This is a generation with happy pictures but not with happy people.

Failure is a very big word. Some say it is on a negative note, however, I beg to differ. Failure is on a positive side in the sense that it makes you stronger and better. It is your foundation and steppingstone to attain success. Without it, you will never know the real meaning of victory and success. It helps you to innovate and change what you are doing. If you keep on failing, you will learn your lesson in the hard way but at least, you learned and that what matters most.

The generation today is so afraid of the word failure. They think that they must always win in every way. Some of the students felt disappointed whenever they got a grade of 89 or below. But in our generation, it is okay to get that much if you know that you deserve that much. But this generation, they are obliging their teachers to give them grades beyond what they really deserve. They aim success without exerting even a little effort. And it’s always like that.

We, teachers, are a catalyst of change. That is our role in our learners’ lives. We should teach them to love failures as much as they love success. We should teach them to see the beauty of it and make them realize that the true meaning of success lies behind every failure that we make. In every failure, we learn to cry for a while, get up, stand up and try better.

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