Over time, the earth had been abused because of so many factors which causes our environment to face different issues and challenges that need an immediate attention. One of the major problems that we face today is the lack of green spaces particularly in the Philippine country because of urbanization. As a matter of fact, because of urbanization it had converted agricultural lands into subdivisions or commercial areas which affected the production of the supply of food such as vegetables one of the solution that can be done at home is through the utilization organic gardening.

            In support to the given statement above, the benefits of home set-up of organic gardening is that it can produce food supply at home that could save money instead of buying food from the market which is a big help under home budgeting. Vegetable produced in organic farming can be assured to be safe from any chemicals that could harm an individual since everything is organic and fresh from the garden. It reduces financial problems and risks. One important note that needs to be remembered as well is that organic gardening promotes sustainability in using raw materials that can be found within the garden or neighborhood.


            Organic farming or gardening is a great venue of utilizing natural resources as a replacement of chemicals and pesticides which often times post a threat in the health of the member of the community. It provides opportunities to a lot of people to develop the principle of self-reliance and becoming resourceful in using available resources in the household or garden. According to various studies it practices home gardening whether organic or not does not only helps an individual financially but also promotes a mentally healthy life since it reduces stress and build up self-esteem. It can be revealed that organic farming helps an individual become happy that fights pressure and stress brought by life’s challenges.

            One of the major objective of the City of Balanga through the help of the concerned local government unit is bringing organic farming or gardening in the homes of every family since it is one of the solution found in addressing the needs of many Filipinos. Organic gardening in the home can create valuable opportunities that often times missed because of variety of reasons. Through effective practicing of organic gardening it highlights the idea of eco-friendly practices which is beneficial not only to the people that lives today but even to the people that will live to the future. It does provide a safe place for physical and environmental activities that often time neglected by a lot of people. Truly organic farming or gardening is an essential practice that should be highlighted in every schools under the Department of Education and should be given emphasis to every learner since

Benjamin Joseph B. Lomibao|Master Teacher I|Cataning Integrated School|Balanga City, Bataan
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